Sexual Harassment Prevention - Managers

Are you interested in understanding how to create a safe work environment where all of your employees can achieve their full potential? This course explains how to avoid sexual harassment in order to...
Sexual Harassment Prevention - Employees

Learn how to avoid sexual harassment in order to create a pleasant and professional work environment for you and all of your colleagues! Everyone should make sure that others feel safe at work. This...
Energy Management and Productivity

Have time set aside, but no energy to use the time well? Learn the skills of managing your energy to find yourself getting more done and feeling better while you do it! Through the effective use of...
Dealing with Discrimination

Discrimination is a big deal. Regardless if you are the one being discriminated against, the one doing the discriminating, or if you are seeing it happen around you, discrimination is real and it can...
The Impact of Culture: How to Create Culture Change to Get Results

Company culture can be to blame when an organization is not achieving desired results. Oftentimes, this assessment is correct. This course will help you understand what your current culture is and...
Telecommuting: Strategies for Remote Employees

When imagining telecommuting, many people envision a relaxed day of working at home in their pajamas. However, this probably isn’t the best approach. Telecommuting definitely offers a lot of...
Taking Accountability to Get Results

Have you ever said that something is "not your responsibility"? Maybe it is! Learn how taking accountability can change the results you are getting at work and in your life. This course uses...
The Effective Leaders Guide to Receiving Feedback

Do you look at Feedback as a positive or a negative thing? The truth is, it can be both depending on how it is delivered and how it is received. Feedback is a give and take experience. It is a...
The Power of Vision

Do you know where you're going professionally? Do you know what you want out of the next 3 weeks? How about the next 3 years? This course will help you create a powerful vision of where you want to...